Geraldine Sloan | Why Did I Become A Coach?

February 4, 2023

Why Did I Become A Coach?

I’ve been asked why I decided to become a coach when I had a successful six-figure accounting business. (We seem to define success by six-figure or multiple six-figure businesses; what a very narrow definition.)

Here’s the story

I was plodding through life, although plodding is probably too exciting a word for it! I’m a single parent of 3 grown up children, who I raised on my own. For many years, I have been seriously overworked, while also meeting the needs of the children. I frequently worked until beyond midnight and at weekends. It was rare for me not to work in the evening when the children were in bed. Then that became a habit, my way of being. It was rare for me to have time off at the weekend and when I did, it usually involved sitting in front of Netflix, because I had no energy for anything else. 

Once they were at Uni, I took on more work to fill the gap they left in my life, until I was regularly working 70+ hours weekly. Because that had become my way of life; I didn’t know that there could be a different way. I did little exercise and rarely ate well. I paid no attention to my needs, desires, purpose, to what my soul desired. 

There were some sparks of fun and joy, when I spent large sums of money on events just so I knew I was still alive. Going to Las Vegas for a weekend to see The Killers was one (two, in fact). I was compensating for the mundanity of my everyday life with bucket-list events.

What I Realised

Eventually I realised that there was no ME in my own story. Life was passing me by in shades of grey. There was very little joy, fun, colour; in fact, there was very little LIVING in my life.

My Transformation

Then I came across One of Many, an organisation that works to empower women and I loved their ethos. I decided to take their coaching certification, knowing that I would learn a lot about myself along the journey. Part of the certification required me to I take 3 practice clients through a 12-week programme. That was it for me. I was hooked. I saw the difference that coaching made in the lives of these women. I saw how desperately they needed it and that I could be the difference for them.

I help my clients find a new sense of purpose. I know that their children are the most important things in their lives, but they are important too. Their lives are happening now, today, in this moment and then the next. They are amazing women. I help my clients discover what they want for themselves, what feeds their soul and brings them joy. I help them thrive. 

Guess what! Once I realised all of this for myself, I became a better Mum. 

I wish I’d had this breakthrough when my children were younger. And THAT’s why I became a coach. To help other women know this.

If you’re ready to make a change, get in touch and let’s work through this together.

Life Coaching For Women


Helping busy professional mums become Leading Ladies in their lives

  1. Aoife Connolly says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story!

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