Do you wake up exhausted?

Do you feel that you’re on a treadmill, plodding through each day?

Do you ever consider your needs?

Do you know what you want?

What you desire?

Have you lost a sense of who you are in the midst of the work and the child-rearing?

Do you feel that life is a struggle? Do you want to feel empowered?

Let’s work together to create a Leading Lady life

My group coaching programmes bring together a small group of women, no more than 8, for mentoring and learning. The shared aspect of the programme means that you belong to a small community of women who support each other fully. I introduce each session with learning and the fun begins as we share our experiences and learn from each other.

Group Coaching

Life Coaching For Women

This is a one-off session. 1 hour to dig deep into one of the following:

Power pauses 

Life Coaching For Women

Escaping the pressure machine - Overwhelm

Saying Goodbye to Superwoman - Just what it says!

Putting my own oxygen mask on first - Needs

Identifying what’s important to me - Values

Drawing my red lines - Boundaries

I don’t tell you how to make change. I gently coach you so that you find your own answers. My life coaching for women's programmes are gentle, but they can also be challenging, as you look at your life, where you are and where you want to be.

Our life coaching sessions are co-created. We create them together.

How I Work

Life Coaching For Women

In addition to “traditional coaching”, I have a number of tools in my toolkit, allowing me to bring suggestions to our coaching sessions. Those are always led by you and your needs and wishes. If we identify that you would like some help with self care, I’ll work with you through how to identify your needs and ensure they are met. If you have trouble setting boundaries, I’ll work through some great boundary setting exercises with you. And there are many more tools, for dealing with overwhelm, indecision, asking for what you need, building a support network, batching tasks to match your energy. I could go on. There’s lots in the toolkit to supplement the “pure” coaching.


Creating Together

Soft Power is a unique aspect of my coaching programmes. That is leaning in to PowerTypes that are natural to us as women, rather than the testosterone-fuelled Superwoman type, who is based in masculine energy and can lead to burnout and illness. There are 5 Soft Power types, based on Jungian archetypes. They are Mother, Warrioress, Queen, Lover and Sorceress. Understanding these helps us find our power as women. 

Personalised Power


Life coaching for women who desire more fulfilled and empowered lives

"I began the Life Coaching for Women programme with Geraldine as I was  stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out. She was relaxed and easy to talk to and coached me using the One of Many Programme which we tailored together. 
Geraldine guided me to reflect on the causes of my burnout and helped me to realise that I could take back control.

She has given me the tools to approach life in a new way with confidence. After 12 weeks with Geraldine my life is back on track and I feel excited about the future. I can highly recommend Geraldine as a coach, her sessions have had a hugely positive impact on my life."

Client Appreciation

Feel the love

Client Appreciation

Feel the love

"Having now completed my 12-week Life Coaching for Women programme with Geraldine and after some reflection I can say, with some assurance, that I have benefitted from the experience. I was able to learn a lot about myself through the journey and am now able to identify certain aspects of myself to call on in situations at work or in my personal life. I enjoyed the openness of the sessions and that they were client led. 

Overall, I think the process would benefit so many female leaders in the community, even if it is just as a time to set aside to focus on yourself. Geraldine was a great listener and my, sometimes, outrageous statements were met with good humour when needed, but always with honesty focusing back on me."

Client Appreciation

"Following our coaching, I had supervision and received some lovely feedback. It was over Microsoft Teams but she said my posture looked much better and I seemed happier with less of the weight of the world on my shoulders."

Feel the love

Client Appreciation

"I really enjoyed having Geraldine as a coach. She has a warm, empathetic manner and was very easy to talk to. I found that I was able to raise quite sensitive issues with her and I made good progress with the issues that concerned me. I would definitely recommend her as a coach."

Feel the love